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CAPTOR™ Technology


  • CAPTOR™ - A thrombectomy device designed for intervention removal of thrombus in a single pass, and is the first medical device to target 'hard' thrombus.

  • CAPTOR™ is being developed as a catheter-based platform technology for removal of both hard and soft clots in Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS).

  • Designed to remove intravascular thrombus from arteries and veins in the head and neck.

  • New materials and innovative device design has been integrated into CAPTOR™ to enable removal of thrombus of all densities and sizes with reduced risk of vascular damage, clot fragmentation and distal embolization. 



  • The CAPTOR™ technology allows the functional size of CAPTOR™ devices to be scaled up or down by simple engineering adjustment. 

  • This allows the CAPTOR™ platform to be upscaled to not only remove clots from arteries in the head & neck region, but also target clots in the veins of the upper leg, pelvis and abdomen, and pulmonary arteries.

  • The flexible device design can be developed to treat DVT and PE, with the same advantages as the AIS device, enabling removal of thrombus of all densities and sized with reduced risk of vascular damage, clot fragmentation and distal embolization.  

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